Todo el día |
Biblioteca Eastside
Biblioteca Eastside
9:30am |
This event is in the "Early Childhood (Ages 0-5)" group.
Early Childhood (Ages 0-5)
Off Site
This event is in the "Early Childhood (Ages 0-5)" group.
Quédate y Juega | Parque del Eastside
9:30am - 10:30am
Off Site
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
grupo de edad:
Primera Infancia (Edades 0-5)
Tipo de programa:
Alfabetización temprana,
Ven, juega y aprende, canta y comparte historias con tus niños. Disfruta bocadillos y la compañía de otras proveedoras de cuidado infantil. ¡Habrá personal bilingüe que habla tanto español como inglés!
9:45am |
10:00am |
This event is in the "School-aged children (Grades K-2)" group.
This event is in the "School-aged children (Grades 3-6)" group.
This event is in the "Family" group.
This event is in the "All Ages" group.
School-aged children (Grades K-2),
School-aged children (Grades 3-6),
All Ages
Biblioteca Móvil
This event is in the "School-aged children (Grades K-2)" group.
This event is in the "School-aged children (Grades 3-6)" group.
This event is in the "Family" group.
This event is in the "All Ages" group.
Biblioteca Móvil Parque Shoreline
10:00am - 12:00pm
Biblioteca Móvil
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Biblioteca Móvil
Parque Shoreline
grupo de edad:
Niños en edad escolar (Grados K-2),
Niños en edad escolar (Grados 3-6),
Todas las edades
¡Ven y visítanos en nuestra nueva Biblioteca Móvil! Puedes obtener una tarjeta de la biblioteca, buscar y sacar materiales prestados, devolverlos y mucho más.
Exención de responsabilidad:
Los participantes de este evento posiblemente serán fotografiados por el personal de la Biblioteca. Estas fotos posiblemente serán usadas en publicaciones promocionales o educacionales. En las que se incluyen publicaciones impresas, redes sociales y presentaciones. Déjale saber al personal de la Biblioteca si no das consentimiento para que te tomen fotos. El personal proporcionará autorizaciones fotográficas individuales.
En caso de inclemencias del tiempo, las actividades al aire libre se podrán cancelar. Si tienes alguna pregunta o inquietud acerca de un evento, contacta la biblioteca antes de asistir a ellos, también puedes contactar la biblioteca para obtener información actualizada.
10:15am |
10:30am |
10:45am |
11:00am |
This event is in the "School-aged children (Grades K-2)" group.
This event is in the "School-aged children (Grades 3-6)" group.
This event is in the "Teen (High School)" group.
This event is in the "Teen (Junior High)" group.
This event is in the "Family" group.
School-aged children (Grades K-2),
School-aged children (Grades 3-6),
Teen (High School),
Teen (Junior High),
Biblioteca Central
This event is in the "School-aged children (Grades K-2)" group.
This event is in the "School-aged children (Grades 3-6)" group.
This event is in the "Teen (High School)" group.
This event is in the "Teen (Junior High)" group.
This event is in the "Family" group.
Construcción de la carroza para el Desfile del Solsticio
11:00am - 3:00pm
Biblioteca Central
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Biblioteca Central
Michael Towbes Lower Plaza
grupo de edad:
Niños en edad escolar (Grados K-2),
Niños en edad escolar (Grados 3-6),
Adolescente (Secundaria),
Adolescente (Preparatoria),
Tipo de programa:
STEAM y Creatividad,
Summer Reading
¡Todos los niños y adolescentes entre 7 y 17 años están invitados a construir una carroza, hacer disfraces y participar en el Desfile del Solsticio!
11:15am |
11:30am |
11:45am |
12:00pm |
This event is in the "Early Childhood (Ages 0-5)" group.
This event is in the "School-aged children (Grades K-2)" group.
This event is in the "School-aged children (Grades 3-6)" group.
This event is in the "Teen (Junior High)" group.
This event is in the "Teen (High School)" group.
Early Childhood (Ages 0-5),
School-aged children (Grades K-2),
School-aged children (Grades 3-6),
Teen (Junior High),
Teen (High School)
Biblioteca Central
This event is in the "Early Childhood (Ages 0-5)" group.
This event is in the "School-aged children (Grades K-2)" group.
This event is in the "School-aged children (Grades 3-6)" group.
This event is in the "Teen (Junior High)" group.
This event is in the "Teen (High School)" group.
Almuerzo en la Biblioteca
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Biblioteca Central
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Biblioteca Central
Michael Towbes Lower Plaza
grupo de edad:
Primera Infancia (Edades 0-5),
Niños en edad escolar (Grados K-2),
Niños en edad escolar (Grados 3-6),
Adolescente (Preparatoria),
Adolescente (Secundaria)
Tipo de programa:
Arte y cultura,
Libros y lecturas
Invitamos a todos los niños y adolescentes a que recojan un almuerzo nutritivo gratuito, el cual es parte del Programa de Servicio de Alimentos de Verano del Departamento de agricultura de los Estados Unidos (USDA, por sus siglas en inglés).
This event is in the "School-aged children (Grades 3-6)" group.
School-aged children (Grades 3-6)
Biblioteca Central
This event is in the "School-aged children (Grades 3-6)" group.
Léele a un Perro
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Biblioteca Central
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Biblioteca Central
Michael Towbes Lower Plaza
grupo de edad:
Niños en edad escolar (Grados 3-6)
Tipo de programa:
Libros y lecturas,
Alfabetización temprana,
¡Practica tu lectura con una mascota peluda! Regístrate en el escritorio para una sesión de lectura de 10 a 15 minutos. Los espacios se asignarán por orden de llegada. ¡Todos son bienvenidos! Niños que quieran mejorar sus habilidades de lectura, lectores principiantes y amantes de los perros. Nuestro equipo de perros de terapia voluntarios está certificado por la Alliance of Therapy Dogs. Exención de responsabilidad: Los participantes de este evento posiblemente serán fotografiados por el personal de la Biblioteca. Estas fotos posiblemente serán usadas en publicaciones promocionales o educacionales. En las que se incluyen publicaciones impresas, redes sociales y presentaciones. Déjale saber al personal de la Biblioteca si no das consentimiento para que te tomen fotos. El personal proporcionará autorizaciones fotográficas individuales.
12:15pm |
12:30pm |
12:45pm |
1:00pm |
1:15pm |
1:30pm |
1:45pm |
2:00pm |
This event is in the "Adults" group.
Biblioteca Montecito
This event is in the "Adults" group.
Knit 'n' Needle
2:00pm - 3:30pm
Biblioteca Montecito
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Biblioteca Montecito
grupo de edad:
Tipo de programa:
Arte y cultura
Este programa será dirigido en inglés y todos están bienvenidos.
Join us for our weekly Knit 'n' Needle gatherings, open to all skill levels!
Whether you knit, crochet, embroider, or enjoy any other fiber arts, you're welcome to come and share your creativity with us.
Participants in this event may be photographed by Library staff. These photos may be used in promotional or educational publications, including in print, social media, and presentations. Please see staff if you do not consent to having your photo taken. Staff will obtain individual, signed photo releases of photographs that contain only an individual as opposed to a group.
Este programa será dirigido en inglés y todos están bienvenidos.
2:15pm |
2:30pm |
This event is in the "Early Childhood (Ages 0-5)" group.
This event is in the "School-aged children (Grades K-2)" group.
This event is in the "School-aged children (Grades 3-6)" group.
This event is in the "Adults" group.
This event is in the "Family" group.
Early Childhood (Ages 0-5),
School-aged children (Grades K-2),
School-aged children (Grades 3-6),
Biblioteca Móvil
This event is in the "Early Childhood (Ages 0-5)" group.
This event is in the "School-aged children (Grades K-2)" group.
This event is in the "School-aged children (Grades 3-6)" group.
This event is in the "Adults" group.
This event is in the "Family" group.
La Biblioteca Móvil en la piscina | Parque Ortega
2:30pm - 4:30pm
Biblioteca Móvil
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Biblioteca Móvil
Ortega Park
grupo de edad:
Primera Infancia (Edades 0-5),
Niños en edad escolar (Grados K-2),
Niños en edad escolar (Grados 3-6),
Tipo de programa:
Biblioteca Móvil
Acompaña a la Biblioteca Pública de Santa Bárbara para que te diviertas en las piscinas comunitarias del Departamento de Parques y Recreación durante el verano.
2:45pm |
3:00pm |
3:15pm |
3:30pm |
3:45pm |
4:00pm |
4:15pm |
4:30pm |
4:45pm |
5:00pm |
5:15pm |
5:30pm |
This event is in the "School-aged children (Grades K-2)" group.
This event is in the "School-aged children (Grades 3-6)" group.
This event is in the "Teen (High School)" group.
This event is in the "Teen (Junior High)" group.
This event is in the "Family" group.
School-aged children (Grades K-2),
School-aged children (Grades 3-6),
Teen (High School),
Teen (Junior High),
Biblioteca Central
This event is in the "School-aged children (Grades K-2)" group.
This event is in the "School-aged children (Grades 3-6)" group.
This event is in the "Teen (High School)" group.
This event is in the "Teen (Junior High)" group.
This event is in the "Family" group.
Construcción de la carroza para el Desfile del Solsticio
5:30pm - 7:30pm
Biblioteca Central
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Biblioteca Central
Michael Towbes Lower Plaza
grupo de edad:
Niños en edad escolar (Grados K-2),
Niños en edad escolar (Grados 3-6),
Adolescente (Secundaria),
Adolescente (Preparatoria),
Tipo de programa:
STEAM y Creatividad,
Summer Reading
¡Todos los niños y adolescentes entre 7 y 17 años están invitados a construir una carroza, hacer disfraces y participar en el Desfile del Solsticio!
5:45pm |
6:00pm |
6:15pm |
6:30pm |
6:45pm |
7:00pm |
7:15pm |